Whenever I get the opportunity to work out a new logo or mark, I love starting analog. Once I've gotten all my thoughts and relevant contexts onto a piece of paper, I take it into a giant Illustrator artboard and get lost in that wonderful flow state. You may notice there's a heavy preference towards logotypes rather than pure logomarks.
I was contacted to come up with a logo for an indie comics publisher. This was pure creative freedom, as I was let loose with the direction to "make something cool." There wasn't a certain look or feel already in mind.
The final design blended an infinity symbol and iconic comic speech bubbles.
The goal for this was to come up with a logotype for a DJ that initially had a "gothic" look to it. Being a type nerd, I enjoyed going through lots of blackletter reference material to find just what exactly the client meant by "gothic." Ultimately, the idea was scrapped, but this is my favorite version.
I believe that getting a logo just right involves a lot of attention to detail. And a LOT of guidelines.
This was part logo, part monogram. The goal for this was to create a medical logo featuring the first letter of both doctors' family names. I was explicitly given instructions not to use generic medial stereotypes (medical crosses, stethoscopes, bandaids) when coming up with the idea. There was also the uphill battle of keeping the logo from sounding like "Bed and Breakfast" B&B.
I like taking captures as I work to remind me of the iterative process that works best for me. 
So what happens when a small indie publisher has their name taken by the largest comic company in the world? Rebrand! Or... "pivot" as post-2020 language has taught us. It was important to have a logotype as well as a mark since the isn't enough brand recognition to identify the group solely with an icon.
By now including other pieces of writing rather than just comics, the mark became a stylized M as well as an open book. This doubled down on the company's mission to be open to all.